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trolls band together


starring: anna kendrick, justin timberlake, camila cabello, and troye sivan


REVIEWER: lyall carter

Poppy discovers that Branch was once part of the boy band 'BroZone' with his brothers, Floyd, John Dory, Spruce and Clay. When Floyd is kidnapped, Branch and Poppy embark on a journey to reunite his two other brothers and rescue Floyd.

One of the most popular franchises in the Dreamworks Animation stables, the Trolls films have been popular with kids and adults alike. And it’s not that hard to see why. Crazy, colourful, and filled with great tunes, Trolls Band Together is a breezy, entertaining cinematic experience for the whole family. 


After two films of true friendship and relentless flirting, Poppy (Anna Kendrick) and Branch (Justin Timberlake) are now officially, finally, a couple (#broppy)! As they grow closer, Poppy discovers that Branch has a secret past. He was once part of her favorite boyband phenomenon, BroZone, with his four brothers: Floyd, John Dory, Spruce and Clay. BroZone disbanded when Branch was still a baby, as did the family, and Branch hasn’t seen his brothers since.


But when Branch’s bro Floyd is kidnapped for his musical talents by a pair of nefarious pop-star villains—Velvet and Veneer—Branch and Poppy embark on a harrowing and emotional journey to reunite the other brothers and rescue Floyd from a fate even worse than pop-culture obscurity.


We have all kinda seen this sort of kid’s film before. It doesn’t take too many chances and it doesn't attempt to push the narrative boat out. But does it really have to? This was the first movie my little one has been to at the cinema and she was transfixed by the popping colour and bopping along to the extravagantly choreographed songs. The aesthetic of Trolls Band Together is extraordinary: the depth of the world created here fills every corner of the screen, with some production and character design being a little, gorgeously strange. 


Crazy, colourful, and filled with great tunes, Trolls Band Together is a breezy, entertaining cinematic experience for the whole family.


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