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guns akimbo

Even though we’ve seen similar films before, Guns Akimbo is an extremely entertaining, action stacked, darkly funny film.


sonic the hedgehog

The film leaves the Sonic (and Sega in general) universe open for more films and spin offs, so let's hope whatever happens next packs more of a punch.

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the invisible man

The Invisible Man has just the right amount of scare, is incredibly well cast and acted, and takes an old classic and makes it both modern and believable.

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the current war

Although at times it appears to have a slight lack of direction, The Current War sparks to life with an intriguing tale and an all star cast.

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the legeng of baron to'a

The Legend of Baron To’a is a real must see and will one day be considered one of New Zealand's greatest films. 

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the call of the wild

The Call of the Wild is a rare beast. It will entertain both children and adults alike, complete engrossing them in a charming, heartfelt tale of adventure.  


the professor and the madman

The Professor and the Madman is a thoroughly entertaining period drama with power house performances from Gibson and Penn.

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come to daddy

Come to Daddy although not for the faint hearted is absolutely bloody bonkers fun and is reminiscent of early Peter Jackson.

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richard jewell

Richard Jewell is a gritty and raw, biographic drama.

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a guide to second date sex

A Guide to Second Date Sex is socially awkward and icky, but so so sweet. Don't miss this weird and wonderful watch.

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birds of prey

Birds of Prey and the and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn has a great ensemble cast and is bonkers, zany, wonderful to look at and a lot of fun. 

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the extraordinary

A powerful film that celebrates the beauty of humanity, The Extraordinary will sucker punch you in the soul and have you thinking about it for days afterwards. One of 2019’s best.



A career best performance from Kristen Stewart supported by a thunderous ensemble cast makes Seberg a must watch in spite of its slight missteps.



Despite its missteps and too much story crammed into it Midway is a perfectly serviceable WWII film



While not quite sure what it wants to be, Downhill has the cast to pique your interest and the gaps to get you thinking.

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Even though we try to get things right first time around, some information may not always be on the money. nor any other third party accepts liability for any inaccurate information.  

T + C's 
Prizes that are damaged or lost in transit will not be replaced. In season movie tickets are for the specific film as described in the competition. If the film described in the competition is not playing in your location or has finished its season the tickets will not be replaced. If the tickets are delayed in any way they will not be replaced. 


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