Director: paul mcguigan (push, victor frankenstein)
Starring: annette bening, jamie bell, julie walters, and kenneth cranham
REVIEWER: hadassah devis
A logger and his father head to their hunting cabin, hoping for a quiet weekend. Instead, they find themselves in a kill-or-be-killed stand for survival when they encounter a gang of ruthless drug traffickers.
Reasons to see Braven;
1. Jason Mamoa
2. Jason Mamoa
3. Jason. Freaken. Mamoa
Littered with plot holes and nonsensical plays by characters, I want to say that I disliked Braven. But I didn’t.
Jammed packed with entertaining good guy vs bad buy action, in a unique (and damn beautiful) setting, Braven doesn't pretend to be something it's not. No poorly executed plot twists, no weak attempts at character development, no unnecessary sub-plots, Braven is what it tells you it is – an axe/bow/fist wielding, goliath of a man beating up a tonne of bad guys who stupidly use his cabin as a stash point for their drugs.
Perhaps low production budgets played a role, but it seems as if directors choose a couple of good solid actors for the main characters and then filled in the other roles with whoever they could find. Not that that matters because [spoiler alert] Jason Mamoa makes sure they don’t last long.
And while it's Mamoa's character that really carries the film, I was pleased that for once the protective father wasn't constantly coming to the rescue of his cower-in-the-corner wife and daughter. When they are in danger, they run, fight or hide.
The perfect movie for when you want to unwind and not have to think too much about what you are watching, Braven brings the action and then some.